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A Sports Desert No More

We head into the dog days of August, sometimes referred to as “the sports desert” with a bit of an oasis upon us. NFL and college football training camps are starting, there is renewed interest in baseball with their rule changes, and the summer of soccer in North America continues its rise. Lionel Messi’s debut […]

The Legacy of Lasso

Richmond Til We Die… Best Practices From “Ted Lasso”, from a Kitman Labs Perspective.

Seven trends reshaping global sport

Elite sport is experiencing massive shifts in how people pursue greater higher performance on and off the pitch, and they’re coming at a pace never before seen.

The Age of Performance Intelligence

It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.  – Charles Darwin The human species is amazingly adaptive to change. As Darwin’s quote states, it is not strength nor speed nor even our intelligence that is solely responsible […]

All Roads Lead to Performance

The evolution of science, technology, and data in elite sport has led to the production and collection of massive troves of information. While proper application of this data can provide an unmistakable competitive edge, there remains a distinct lack of understanding of what this information means and how we can maximize our use of it. […]


Kitman Labs Expands Intelligence Platform Deal With Premier League to Include Match Officials

The partnership will provide all match officials and performance support staff access to a centralized, fully integrated data and analytics platform—the ‘PGMOL Intelligence Platform’—designed to provide a real-time, comprehensive view of officiating personnel, including performance, training, and medical/health data.