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converting your data into intelligence. more than a sports analytics company.

custom analytics

Convert data into action.

Whether you’re drowning in data or unsure of how to start your data journey, the Kitman Labs Data Science Team is here to address your specific needs, regardless of size or pain point.


Our Custom Analytics
offerings range FROM:

providing previously unseen
about players and the organization.

informing daily management and
game-day decisions.

We have a robust data science team that is continuously producing analysis and strategies to add value and clarity for the organizations we work with.



Collecting data is only the first challenge. Understanding that data, knowing if it’s accurate, and using it to answer the right questions is equally as critical. Often organizations don’t know whether the data they’re collecting is relevant or if it’s being used the right way.

Our solution

Kitman Labs’ Data Health offering is made up of three core parts:

The performance science index

The Performance Science Index (PSI) gives teams a clear picture of their data collection processes in one place, and allows the team to see where they sit in reference to their peers and what improvements can be made to reach specific outcomes.

Data Quality Review

Data Quality Review provides a clear picture of the quality of a team’s data, and its usability for analytics to help answer questions they are most interested in while giving clear next steps on how to improve the quality of their data.

Data for Analytics Audit

Our Data for Analytics Audit provides an objective comparison of the level of data collection presumed to be happening within the organization vs the actual practice.

What you get

A full view of your data landscape

Expert advice on how to direct your resources around data into the most effective areas for your needs

Visibility into the return on investment for data sources

A greater level of confidence in reporting, analysis & analytics using your data

A step-by-step guide to improving your existing data, and improving practices to improve quality on an ongoing basis

Insight into the questions analytics can help answer with your data

Improved management and oversight of data practices in the organization


Sports organizations often have concrete goals in mind, from winning championships to avoiding relegation, but they don’t always know what it takes to get there. From hiring the right personnel to identifying the best players, there are so many variables to consider that it can be hard to know where to focus, or what the right solutions are.

Our solution

The Success Landscape outlines the strategies behind how high-performing teams have achieved their success, pulling together data from various sources with outputs in a number of categories:

Performance Context

How many wins does a successful team get? How many goals/points/runs do they score? Do they perform better at home or away? Where do their goals/points come from in games?

Squad Composition

How large are successful squads? What is the age profile of successful teams? How experienced are the players of successful teams and what level have they played at? How good are their players? Are any positions more important than others? How many players contribute to outcomes?

Recruitment Approach

Do successful teams spend more money? Do they bring in more paid transfers or do they rely on loans and free transfers? What is the age and experience of players brought in? What leagues do successful teams recruit from?

What you get

A view of what it takes to be successful given your specific context

A comparison of similarities and differences between your organization and successful teams across a number of categories

Highlighted changes that may lead to strategies being developed, that can lead to your team achieving success


Assessing injuries is a full-time endeavor, but during the course of a season there’s not enough time to step back and examine how injuries are occurring, to whom they’re happening, and whether they’re in line with expectations.

Our solution

Injury Review provides a clear picture of the type, volume and severity of injuries that occur historically and during the course of a season.

Your medical staff can easily understand the impact that injuries had.

gain insights on where and how injuries are occurring relative to key factors:

  • age profile
  • position
  • game schedule

What you get

An understanding of the extent and gravity of each injury situation

Knowledge on where to focus efforts around injury prevention, return-to-play protocols, training methodology, planning and periodization


Head coaches and managers are critical to an organization’s success. They influence staffing, player recruitment and wins & losses. But finding the right coach has been a largely subjective process full of bias, with no clear metrics that can accurately predict success.

Our solution

Working from a team-provided short-list, we provide an objective view of the head coach / manager market.

Based on Factors like:

  • historical performance
  • recruitment strategies
  • age profile
  • impact of their arrival at previous teams
  • squad composition
  • game schedule

What you get

A head coach / manager selection process based on objective criteria aligned with the team's long-term vision/mission

Greatly reduced level of bias in the decision-making process

Removal of unsuitable candidates from the process at an early stage

Improved clarity in what other key questions could be useful in interviewing potential candidates

Discovery of candidates that would have been otherwise overlooked


Most sports organizations know they want to use data to enhance their processes and outcomes, but there are so many variables—from cost, to implementation, to process—that they don’t know where to start.

Our solution

Kitman Labs’ Data & Analytics Consultancy provides teams with bespoke data strategies that are informed by practitioners and data scientists who have worked with hundreds of teams.

What you get

The confidence of having an objective view to face data-related challenges as they arise

The ability to identify where to spend money around data collection and  storage, which will help answer the key questions you have to achieve you own particular set of desired outcomes

Outcome Stories

Oakland Roots

From Siloed to a Single View

Data was never a problem for Oakland Roots SC. But stuck with outdated spreadsheet tools and inundated with data, they weren’t able to efficiently share or learn from anything they collected. Kitman Labs gave them a consolidated view that joined together everything from practice planning to player development, giving them objective scores and ratings, and bringing together medical, technical and performance data under one roof.

Burnley F.C.

Driving Organizational Efficiency

Burnley F.C. has always seen data and tech as especially critical in the world of football, so they understand that the organizational structure around data is as important as the data itself. With Kitman Labs, Burnley has been able to create efficiency in all their departments, from sports science to recruitment and coaching, and to bring those departments together with a single view of data across the organization.

Malmö FF

Future Proofing the Organization

Malmo FF has been around for over 100 years, but their focus remains steadily on the future. Their player management tools had limited scope and capabilities, meaning they couldn’t be as forward-thinking as they needed to drive success. Switching to Kitman Labs gave them a platform that allowed information to be shared openly and the customization to plan and change as they need to, truly future-proofing their organization.



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Kitman Labs Expands Intelligence Platform Deal With Premier League to Include Match Officials

The partnership will provide all match officials and performance support staff access to a centralized, fully integrated data and analytics platform—the ‘PGMOL Intelligence Platform’—designed to provide a real-time, comprehensive view of officiating personnel, including performance, training, and medical/health data.