THE OFFSIDE RULE PODCAST: Stephen Smith, CEO of Kitman Labs discuss ACL Injuries in Women’s Football. LISTEN HERE

The New Performance Science Opportunity


Stephen Smith, Founder and CEO of Kitman Labs, welcomes Martin Buchheit, a renowned sports science researcher, and published author, to Kitman Labs as the new Head of Performance Research. In this lively discussion, the two talk about the past, present, and future of performance science, data, sports research, and how teams create highly collaborative, data-driven organizations.

Key discussion points:

  • How research can improve to help teams advance – on and off the field –  in a more practical and compelling way
  • The evolution of thinking about data and thinking about roles to thinking about problems
  • The importance of asking the right questions with the right context at the right level
  • Ego, humility, fear, trust, and transparency!
  • Are we stuck in satisfying mode?
  • The keys to building a highly collaborative environment
  • What it takes to have a seat at the strategic table


In this episode of Game Changer from Kitman Labs, CEO Stephen Smith is joined by Renee Kleszczynski from Michigan State University and Josh Rucci from the University of Georgia to discuss their respective approaches to data and analytics in improving the health and well-being of their student-athletes
In this episode Stephen Smith is joined by Kenny Boyd, Executive Senior Associate Athletics Director of Student-Athlete Services, to discuss the myriad changes in NCAA athletics and Baylor’s unique approach to student-athlete care.
Darcy Norman, World Cup winning performance coach, joins The Soccer Science Podcast to share some of his experiences from the highest levels of professional soccer.


Kitman labs expands global collegiate partnerships with Loughborough University deal

The Loughborough Sport Athletic Department will now be able to integrate all medical and performance data into a single operating system.

This move aims to drive collaboration and eliminate information silos while also providing coaches, practitioners, and relevant stakeholders with a real-time, 360-degree view of each student-athlete.