Practitioner Survey Highlights Optimal Return to Play Process in Elite Football
Injuries to professional athletes can affect team performance and morale, not to mention the bottom line. On average, English Premier League teams lose approximately £45 million per season due to injury-related decrements in performance. Therefore, return-to-play (RTP) strategies aimed at bringing players back to competition in the shortest time possible while reducing the risk of re-injury are of […]
Elite Football Injury Risk Explained, Sprinting x Hamstring Injuries
Hamstring strain injuries remain the most prevalent time loss injuries in professional soccer.
Know Your League Context: Insights for Players Preparation & Recruitment – Part 4: Match-to-Match Player Rotations
Know how football is played in each league can add context to a team’s foreign player recruitment process and help tailor player development.
Know Your League Context: Insight for Players Preparation & Recruitment – Part 3: Player Substitutions
Following our work on team formation and results and goals scored, this third part of our series of short papers focuses on players substitutions over the past two decades in the top seven European leagues.
Know Your League Context: Insights for Players Preparation & Recruitment – Part 2: Results and Goals Scored
In a first-of-its-kind new study, we looked at the top seven European leagues over a 20-year period (21 seasons) to examine what, if any, differences exist between leagues.
Know Your League Context: Insights for Player Preparation & Recruitment – Part 1: Team Formations
The overall study (Parts 1-4) extracted the fixtures data of the top seven European leagues over the past two decades, representing 43 competitions, 269 teams and more than 61,000 fixtures.
Protecting Player Rights when Leveraging Data to Improve Athletic Performance
We built an intuitive solution that integrates all the information, from baseline testing, to testing field-side after an event, to all the information collected from follow-up tests and recovery assessments.
Cómo proteger los derechos y la privacidad de los jugadores cuando se gestionan datos personales con el fin de mejorar el rendimiento deportivo
Hemos creado una solución intuitiva que integra toda la información, desde las pruebas de referencia hasta las pruebas sobre el terreno después de un suceso, pasando por toda la información recopilada en las pruebas de seguimiento y las evaluaciones de recuperación.
Schutz der Spielerrechte bei der Nutzung von Daten zur Verbesserung der sportlichen Leistung
Wir haben eine intuitive Lösung entwickelt, die alle Informationen integriert, von der Baseline-Prüfung über die Prüfung vor Ort nach einem Ereignis bis hin zu allen Informationen, die bei Folgetests und Wiederherstellungsbewertungen gesammelt werden.
Proteggere i diritti dei giocatori quando si sfruttano i dati per migliorare le prestazioni atletiche
Abbiamo costruito una soluzione intuitiva che integra tutte le informazioni, dai test di base, ai test sul campo dopo un evento, a tutte le informazioni raccolte dai test di follow-up e dalle valutazioni di recupero.